Board of Trustee Meetings on Zoom

Due to the Covid-19 crisis, all Stratford Library Board of Trustee Meetings will be conducted electronically (online) using ZOOM, a cloud-based audio-conferencing tool with computer and telephone access. Public participation will be provided and is encouraged to attend these meetings, please access the following on your computer or smart phone.
All regularly schedule meetings are advertised to begin at 4:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month. It is recommended that any interested parties connect to the meeting 10-15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
For more information and instructions on how to join the library Board of Trustees meeting please click here.
It is the public’s responsibility to ensure their own ability to connect to the meeting. The attached instructions are provided for your convenience. If you have questions prior to the meeting, you can email, but any technical questions should be sent to Zoom directly.
When you log into the meeting, please log in with your first and last name. By joining the meeting session, you agree to allow your activity to become part of the public record.
During the meeting, please isolate yourself as much as possible to ensure there is no unnecessary background audio picked up through your device.
Upon entry, you may be muted until public portions. If there is excessive audio coming from your device, the host shall be permitted to mute your device to ensure there are no disruptions in the governing body’s ability to conduct official business. Council reserves the right to disconnect any member of the public who does not observe proper rules of order.